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Hãng sản xuất AmetekLoại Đồng hồ đo thủy lực
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Nguyễn Hoàng Tài
Tel: 0915 031 817 or 01686 530 609
Email: sale10@tmpvietnam.com
Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 332

Due to its durable and robust construction, this hydraulic force gauge from Erichsen Wuppertal is highly suitable for rough operating conditions on permanent machines and installations.
The 332 model is supplied with a precise pressure gauge of 100 mm nominal diameter with zero point correction. A wide range of accessories are available to cover most applications.
Erichsen Force Gauge Model 332 Key Features:
- Precise 100mm manometer
- Manometer with Zero Point adjustment
- Load Range; 1kN (220Lbs) to 1000kN = 1MN (220,000Lbs)
- Accuracy: 1.6% of Full Scale
- High pressure hose and capillary tube options
Hiện nay chúng tôi đang là đại lý hãng Ametek tại Việt Nam :
Force Gauges
Material Testers
Application Specific Testers
Grips and Fixtures
Food Grips and Fixtures
Precision Weighing Scales
DG Series
LG Series
MSE100 Series
DMG Series
Pneumatic Testers
Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 329
Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 332
Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 338
Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 343
Manual Test Stands
LTCM Series
LS Series - Up to 5 kN
CS Series - Up to 5 kN
LR Plus Series (bench mounted) - Up to 50 kN
EZ Series (bench mounted) - Up to 50 kN
LS100 Series (bench mounted) - Up to 100 kN
Polymer Testers
Texture Analyzers
Friction Testers
Hardness Testers
Video Extensometers
Long Travel Extensometers
Deflection Gauge Extensometers
Contacting Extensometers
Grips and Fixtures for Force Gauges
Grips and Fixtures for Test Stands
Chisel Point Adapters
Flat Adapters
Hooks, Stationary
Hooks, Swivel
Chisel Point Adapters
Bollard Grips
Eccentric Roller Grips
Point Adapters
Hydraulic Grips
Peel and Friction Grips
Pneumatic Grips
Vice Grips
Ribbon and Webbing Grips
Thread Head Grips
HLC Series Load Cells
XLC Series Load Cells
YLC Series Load Cells
CLC Series Load Cells
TLC Series Load Cells
STS Series Torque Load Cells
TLC Series Load Cells
Splinter Shields
Crane Scales
Người gửi / điện thoại
Mọi thông tin chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ theo thông tin bên dưới để được tư vấn rõ hơn:
Mr. Tài
Hotline: 01686.530.609 - 0915.031.817
mail: sale10@tmpvietnam.com - hoangtai.tmpvietnam@gmail.com
Địa chỉ: 602/41E, Điện Biên Phủ, P22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp HCM