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Hãng sản xuất: Ametek
Loại: Bộ điều khiển
Xuất xứ Mỹ

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Nguyễn Hoàng Tài
Tel: 0915 031 817 or 01686 530 609

Email:  sale10@tmpvietnam.com 

MT Series Manual Test Stand

MT Series Manual Test Stands
The Chatillon MT Series manual test stand is a flexible, easy-to-use solution for force measurement. It comes in two versions: the MT150 with a 150 lbf (660N) capacity and the MT500 with a 500 lbf (2.5 kN) capacity.

The 150 mm (6 inch) throat makes the MT Series excellent for testing large specimens, and the removable plate is designed to accommodate metric as well as imperial threaded fixtures.

This manual test stand is ideal for tensile testing, compression testing, peel, and flexural testing.

It may be equipped with a quick-action lever or precision hand wheel for controlling crosshead speed and travel.

The MT Series manual test stands are often used with the DFX II force gauge to check the force necessary to depress a button, or with the LG mechanical gauge to perform low range pull tests at the end of a production line where caps are placed on spray bottles. They are also used to test the force necessary to fold a cardboard container into proper shape.

MT Series Key Features:
- Simple to use
- Compact, lightweight benchtop design for table or wall mount options
- Can be positioned horizontally
- Optional column heights (750, 1.000 an d 1.500 mm)

Request more information to see how we can help you with a manual test stand solution that suits your need.

Hiện nay chúng tôi đang là đại lý hãng Ametek tại Việt Nam :

Force Gauges


Material Testers

Application Specific Testers



Grips and Fixtures

Food Grips and Fixtures


Precision Weighing Scales

DG Series

LG Series

MSE100 Series

DMG Series

Pneumatic Testers

Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 329

Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 332

Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 338

Erichsen Hydraulic Force Gauge - Model 343

Manual Test Stands

LTCM Series

LS Series - Up to 5 kN

CS Series - Up to 5 kN

LR Plus Series (bench mounted) - Up to 50 kN

EZ Series (bench mounted) - Up to 50 kN

LS100 Series (bench mounted) - Up to 100 kN

Polymer Testers

Texture Analyzers

Friction Testers

Hardness Testers

Video Extensometers

Long Travel Extensometers

Deflection Gauge Extensometers

Contacting Extensometers

Grips and Fixtures for Force Gauges

Grips and Fixtures for Test Stands

Chisel Point Adapters

Flat Adapters

Hooks, Stationary

Hooks, Swivel

Chisel Point Adapters

Bollard Grips

Eccentric Roller Grips

Point Adapters

Hydraulic Grips

Peel and Friction Grips

Pneumatic Grips

Vice Grips

Ribbon and Webbing Grips

Thread Head Grips

HLC Series Load Cells

XLC Series Load Cells

YLC Series Load Cells

CLC Series Load Cells

TLC Series Load Cells

STS Series Torque Load Cells

TLC Series Load Cells


 Splinter Shields

Crane Scales

Phản hồi

Người gửi / điện thoại

Nội dung


Mọi thông tin chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ theo thông tin bên dưới để được tư vấn rõ hơn:

Mr. Tài 
Hotline: 01686.530.609 - 0915.031.817
          mail: sale10@tmpvietnam.com - hoangtai.tmpvietnam@gmail.com

Địa chỉ:  602/41E, Điện Biên Phủ, P22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp HCM
