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Mã sản phẩm: Skilmatic
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Hãng sản xuất: Rotork
Loại: Thiết bị truyền động van công nghiệp
Xuất xứ Anh

Rotork Fluid Systems - Skilmatic range of actuators offer a unique and reliable solution for electric fail safe and modulating control for both quarter turn and linear valves and dampers.

The actuators have been specifically designed for use in critical fail safe applications utilising an integral spring mechanism which provides the most reliable means of positioning valves to a pre-determined safe position to suit the process requirements.

Introducing the new Skilmatic SI Pro and EH Pro

The Skilmatic range of self-contained actuators, combine the simplicity of electrical operation with the precision of hydraulic control and the reliability of mechanical fail-safe action. With the introduction of the new highly intelligent control and monitoring system, the SI / EH Pro actuators provide the ideal solution for two position, safety shutdown in SIS or precise modulating control applications.

SI / EH Pro provide the benefits of reliable valve actuation by combining existing proven Skilmatic features with the benefits of a new HMI, monitoring, datalogging and communications. The Pro options provide the ability to provide a valve signature profile and characterise the output . With the combination of the Rotork's non-intrusive intrinsically safe Bluetooth Setting Tool, the actuator configuration and datalogger files can be transferred from the field and to a standard PC for analysis and storage.

The EH range offers flexibility and customisation to suit specific application, with integrated control module; a hydraulic manifold; and a power unit consisting of a motor, hydraulic pump and reservoir. They are available in double-acting or spring-return configurations for larger valve applications with a range of options including accumulators as an alternative form of stored energy.

  • Linear thrust output 1.7 to 5500kN.
  • Quarter-turn torque output 65 to 600,000Nm.
  • Single-, three-phase or 24VDC power supply options.
  • Two position fail safe or modulating control with valve flow characterisation.
  • Designed for use in critical safety shutdown applications.
  • Partial stroke test capability -activated remotely or locally.
  • Data logger -records the last 1024 events, trends & alarms.
  • Non intrusive setting tool Infrared & Bluetooth - for configuration, interrogation and downloading of data.
  • Improved data download and transfer speed via Bluetooth.
  • Valve Torque / Thrust signature and profile measured and recorded.
  • Rotork InSight II software allows the actuator performance to be downloaded for analyses and storage.
  • 32 character multilingual LCD display.
  • Status & monitoring diagnostics.
  • Independent alarm /status output relays.

+ RHQ Extreme-duty Rack & Pinion Hydraulic Actuators

+ SI Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe

+ EH Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe

+ SB Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe

+ Subsea Hydraulic Actuator

+ Smart Valve Monitor Partial Stroke Testing

Rotork Process Control Actuators:

+ CMA Range

+ CVA Range

+ GPSA Electric Control Valve Actuator

+ MV-1000/VA-1000 Linear Actuator

+ MV-1500 Linear Actuator

+ SM-1000 Rotary Actuator

+ SM-1100/SM-1500/SM-1600 Rotary Actuator

+ SM-1700/SM-5000 Heavy Duty Rotary Actuator

+ SM-6000 Heavy Duty Rotary Actuator


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Mr. Tài 
Hotline: 01686.530.609 - 0915.031.817
          mail: sale10@tmpvietnam.com - hoangtai.tmpvietnam@gmail.com

Địa chỉ:  602/41E, Điện Biên Phủ, P22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Tp HCM